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Ergomat Matting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1) How does an ergonomic mat work?

Ergonomic mats like the ERGOMATs are designed to stimulate circulation in feet, legs and lower back. Circulation is stimulated by the unique surface profiles of the ERGOMATs, which force muscular response. True ergonomic mats like the ERGOMAT are carefully engineered to provide the optimal balance between compression and resistance, which is critical to achieving the appropriate muscle stimulation. The best way to understand what an ergonomic mat is designed to do is to compare it to the suspension of a car. Like the suspension, it absorbs and disperses shock, while providing the necessary support for stability.

2) Why is ergonomic matting important?

Like all ergonomic tools, ergonomic matting is designed to work with the human body to ease the tasks that the body performs. In the case of a standing worker, these mats are of critical importance in reducing or eliminating short-term fatigue and discomfort, and the more long-term negative cumulative effects of strain and stress injury. As a practical consideration, these benefits lead to real savings through increased productivity and worker moral, and decreases in sick leave, workers compensation claims and substandard production due to operator inattention caused by fatigue.

3) Why does ERGOMAT offer so many choices?

The various mats in the ERGOMAT family of ergonomic matting are designed to provide optimal solutions for specific industries and working conditions. Rather than selling mats, we prefer to provide real, comprehensive solutions to industry specific workplace environments.

4) Slippery mat? We have solutions!

Ergomat offers two options for keeping mats in place.

  1. For mats that will not be moved, DuraStripe can be installed on the bevels around the perimeter of the mat to securely fix the mat to the floor. This method also allows for a contrasting color bevel to serve as an additional safety reminder.
  2. For mats that must be moved regularly for cleaning or other reasons, we can add an additional material with aggressive gripping properties to the bottom of the mat to hold it firmly in place.

5) Can ERGOMATs create a tripping hazard?

Unlike many other mats, which are extruded in long runners with a variety of sandwiched materials, our premium ERGOMATs are molded mats consisting of the highest quality virgin materials. This gives ERGOMAT the unique ability to customize our matting, and fit it to the exact dimensions of any working environment in any size or shape. The ability to customize in this way allows us to bevel every exposed edge of a mat, virtually eliminating any tripping hazards. In addition, the use of high quality, consistent virgin materials keeps the ERGOMATs from expanding or shrinking, which causes curling and creates tripping hazards in other matting.

Click here to learn more about The Ergomat Advantages

6) How do I clean ERGOMAT matting?

All ERGOMATs can be swept, vacuumed or mopped. The nitrile and EPDM rubber mats can also be hosed, power washed or steam cleaned. These rubber mats are also autoclavable in 60cm x 90cm foot sizes, as long as they are cooled and dried flat.

Click here to learn more about Ergomat cleaning methods

7) Why can only 60cm x 90cm rubber mats be autoclaved?

The virgin Nitril or EPDM rubber can withstand numerous cycles of autoclave heat, but over time the bonding agent used to build out larger mats will weaken the seams in the mat, and can cause them to come apart.

Click here to learn more about Polyurethane Vs. Rubber Matting

8) What is the difference between polyurethane and rubber mats?

From an ergonomic standpoint, all ERGOMAT's with distinct surface profiles provide the necessary, appropriate stimulation. From a user comfort standpoint, preferred profiles are a matter of personal choice. In general our polyurethane mats provide appropriate solutions for dry, non-abrasive to slightly damp or oily environments. Polyurethane mats also have anti-static properties.

Rubber mats have greater heat resistance, anti-abrasion and anti-slip properties for more demanding industrial conditions. In addition, because they are closed-cell, ERGOMAT rubber mats will not harbor bacteria, making them ideal for critical environments like medical and food processing facilities. Nitrile rubber mats are more resistant to acidic conditions, (pH < 7) and EPDM rubber performs better in caustic, or basic environments (pH > 7). The ERGOMAT Nitril also comes in an ESD version for static sensitive manufacturing environments.

For the most appropriate mat for your specific working environment or industry, please consult information contained elsewhere on this website, or in ERGOMAT literature.

9) What is an ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) vs. Static Dissipative vs. Antistatic mat?

Electrically Conductive, 104 to 106 ohms – Draws static electrically the fastest from employees and is the preferred specification of the 3 classifications, such as Medical labs and semi-conductors, electronic manufacturing, and explosives.

Static Dissipative, 107 to 109 ohms - Draws static electrically the second fastest from employees and is commonly used in light electronic manufacturing, electronics, and auto industry.

Anti-Static, 1010+ ohm – Doesn’t draw any static electrically away from the employee hence used in NON ESD sensitive environments.